What to drink with fried food on a Dinner Party? May 2024

How to Find a Perfect Drink For a Kick-ass Fry Food Dinner Party

Organizing a fried-food party seems not such a tough shell to crack. For one thing, you can hardly make a mistake planning the menu – everyone loves a good piece of fried chicken or fish. However, the main question is – how to find a perfect drink?
That’s right. While planning a meal, people literally get stuck with the choice of a suitable beverage. Fried food is associated with fun and partying, hence, the drink should perfectly fit into the atmosphere. can you buy prednisone over the counter for dogs The main criteria for picking the right option are:

  • Choosing between contrast and continuity. See, you can go down two roads here: whether the drink provides completely another feeling (if the food is spicy, the drink should be light) or continue the effect of the food taste.
  • Sweetness. A drink with a little sugary taste is usually nice, but it’s not always the best option for the fried food. The best option is mixing both sweet and spicy flavors which would play well with different dishes.
  • Attractiveness. When it comes to fried food where to buy oral Clomiphene dinner, it’s all about looks. You want the drink to be bright and colorful so it would look perfect on any Instagram profile (yes, it matters). That’s why usual choices like beer are not the best option.

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Okay, so the main thing is – be creative. Kyle and Rachel Ford, the founders of the Ford Mixology Lab, recommend to improvise, experiment with tastes and flavors. You can make drinks yourself and take all the responsibility for the result. On the other hand, you could go to a cocktail bar and don’t have to worry about possible failure.

Where to look for great cocktails?
However, picking a suitable bar is also a hell of an effort. Why so? Firstly, don’t blindly trust your party to any place across the street. Check out websites and social media pages.
A little tip: Pinterest is a perfect platform to look for cocktail bars. Here you can see the drink’s ingredients, whether it looks great and fits your party theme perfectly.
Secondly, visit a bar yourself before inviting a bunch of people. Spend some time there, try cocktails, see whether you like the location. If you don’t have a possibility, pay attention to reviews, and alarming comments.
Thirdly, decide whether you will actually do a party in the bar or order drinks to another place. Most bars gladly deliver cocktails to other location – it shouldn’t be a problem.
What drinks go best with fried food?
For fried fish or chicken, you need to use the best air fryer and FML cocktails. They match all the criteria we discussed: having both sweet and spicy feeling at the same time, providing contrast to the food taste, and looking just awesome.
If it’s a winter party, experiment with winter cocktails. The same thing goes with spring and autumn. Picking the right seasonal drink set helps to fully express your party theme. The best part is, all of these sets are perfectly combined with any kind of fried food – so you have nothing to worry about.
Have fun!

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